Tuesday, July 2, 2013


The past two years I have toyed around with using an online classroom element in my regular classroom. I chose Edmodo.com. It offers a lot of usual features. For the past two years, I worked in school where students had very limited internet access at their homes. However, we had an abundance of technology in our school, thanks to Title I funding. It was very easy to implement this in my classroom thanks to the use of iPads, iPod touches, and mobile laptop carts. Of course, this stuff only worked half of the time thanks to the wifi constantly going out...but I digress.

Edmodo.com for those of you who may not have seen it, is set up similar to Facebook layout. The great thing about this website, is it is only for students and teachers and it's FREE! It a closed and secure site. Teachers must give the students' a group code in order to join. Parents may also have access to this website. I had a few parents who utilized it to stay in touch when students were absent for prolonged periods of times. This website offers you the ability to create classrooms online. Students are then able to participate in online discussions, polls, and turn in assignments electronically (goodbye flash drives!).

I am not going to write a step by step tutorial for how to set up your own Edmodo, as their website does a great job. I am just going to discuss how I use Edmodo in my classroom.

I have 5 periods of 6th Grade Social Studies a day. Emodo allows me to create 5 separate groups, that I label 1st through 5th periods. I can then create assignments for the students by uploading a template or files I want the students to use. If I have a different assignment for specific class periods, I can put that assign the work to any of the 5 groups.

Edmodo gives students a space to upload their assignments. I do not have to worry about passing out endless amounts of flash drives and downloading their projects onto my computer anymore. It is essentially a  "dropbox" account for every student. After the students turn in their electronic files, I can grade them from the Edmodo platform and students will be able to log in to see their grades. I can also edit their papers, write comments, and provide feedback.

This website is a great area for students to discuss something they have read or to participate in polls. Edmodo allows you to create quizzes with either constructed responses and/or multiple choice options. You will receive a notification (you can customize these) every time a student completes the quiz or turns in an assignment.

If you are looking for an easy technology component for your classroom, please check out Edmodo.com.

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